A Very Sweet Christmas Project – DIY Rose Paper Flower

In early December, I got my sister in her birthday. What a perfect birthday in a perfect season!

On Sunday 3rd, I encourage myself to browse some rose paper patterns that spread in so many DIY blogs. And then collect it, see the result in each picture, and finally find the perfect shrub rose DIY pattern. Here is the Lia Griffith, who so kindly blog about DIY crafts which beautifully dominated by many kind of flower paper pattern. I’ve made paper flower from Lia Griffith actually, however, it has been looong time ago. But it’s okay to do this again, and this time will be the most precious craft I ever made so far.

My shrub rose paper flower, in front of the Christmas tree

To make this paper flower, all I need are:

  • The main pattern that I download from Lia
  • Motif paper and green plain paper, it will be the rose petals and leaf
  • Wire for stem and green tape for covering
  • Christmas ribbon
  • Wrapping paper, I choose floral pattern to beautify my paper rose garland
  • Scissor, hot glue, and paper glue ( whoaaw thank to God ♥ these things still in good condition)

And the last thing I need is Christmas playlist ( XD how excited I was !! )

First, I cut the floral pattern, and I stick it with carton, to make a main pattern. Then I draw on floral paper, and cut them. One shrub rose needs seven petals, and I made seven shrub rose with two different color.

For me it takes 3 hours to make seven shrub roses include leaves. After finishing the bouquet, I make beautiful use of what’s already around me, such as leftover plaid Christmas ribbon and dark green ribbon. It’s a snap idea, I twist them around the stem, and finally did perfect bow for my bouquet.

Christmas ribbon did the perfect bow for my bouquet ♥

Throughout I making this precious craft, actually I go along with my particular tastes and style, and I believe that perfect time make things personal by making things with my own. The most important, I don’t require myself to be a super-crafter to impress, but with a personal touch. A DIY shrub rose paper flower, a simple DIY wishing card, they both perfectly wrapped in gift floral paper.

I never knew what ideas may come as a result, it will be a handmade Christmas bouquet that I could be proud of.

Hallelujah !!



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